Search Results for: secure network

shop floor

Connect Your Shop Floor- Security, Logical Topology and Physical infrastructure.

As I communicate with diverse manufacturers/processors I find some have already taken steps to prepare for the next revolution/evolution of their shop floor and overall data infrastructure. They “get” the importance of a centralized data pipe and what that can do to their security, production and bottom line. However, there are as many that really […]

Connect Your Shop Floor- Security, Logical Topology and Physical infrastructure. Read More »


Ransomware. Are You Next?

Ransomware is real and can be extremely expensive to an individual and/or company. This is not just a small company threat but to large ones as well, even if they have a full in-house IT staff for protection. Millions of dollars have been paid out to these cyber criminals for a decryption key to get

Ransomware. Are You Next? Read More »


Blockchain Technology and the Food Industry

One of the foremost food industry goals is to bring transparency throughout the supply chain, to reduce food frauds and enhance food safety. For example, extensive use of pesticides in agriculture has led to the demand for comprehensive and sensitive analytical techniques. To ensure consumer safety many countries have set maximum residue limits (MRL), which

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