AI Disruption of Food Processing and Handling

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is catching the attention of food processing and handling (FP&H) business decision makers across the globe. This is a commercial food service equipment/ software industry that represents a whopping ~$100 billion market. So, why the interest?

Benefits of AI in Food Processing and Handling

As we all know food processing can be a complicated business. Sorting raw materials coming from the farm, maintaining equipment lines for performance data and safety is just a few pieces of this puzzle. Checking the quality of a product and deciding whether or not it is ready to ship is another and so on.

With some early adopter food processors automation through AI is taking place at some basic level while many others are simply using a manual sorting process which of course is error-prone and labor intensive. Good reasons to look for a better way. For example…

Sorting Packages and Products with AI

One of the operational challenges that food processing companies face is sorting. Every item requires rigorous sorting because food processing companies have to maintain a certain quality to stay competitive and ultimately stay in business. If not automated through AI and other emerging technologies such as IoT, this process requires an enormous amount of human labor.

Coolearth, a leading food processing software solution provider, offers a cost-effective visual inspection solution called Machine Vision. Machine Vision visually inspects process decision-points for process-control operations. As examples:

✔ Sort chicken breasts, wings, legs & thighs by meat color or several dimensions at once
✔ Count complex objects or large numbers of objects
✔ Look for the “odd item” that could ruin a batch of food, packages or widgets
✔ Evaluate color, such as the proper hue of cooked meat or baked cookies
✔ Evaluate quality, such as reflectance of a surface, mars in finish, or specs in painted areas
✔ Monitoring safety, such as sausage that’s been cooked without folding … with major issues of hygiene riding on the detection of a problem.

Companies like Coolearth Software are helping food processing companies to not only increase their revenue but also to improve their yields.


AI is reshaping how the food processing and handling business is thinking about their future. It could revolutionize the FP&H sector forever. Increased accuracy, speeding up the production process, reducing maintenance time and production downtime, decreasing the chances of error and failure is what we all want, right?

The time has come for mobile app development services providers to step up as there will be many FP&H companies looking for AI solutions providers. Coolearth is a key player in this emerging direction. Machine Vision along with Coolearths Telemetry solutions and Quality QA-QC data collection can take your company quickly and easily to this level. Would you like to learn more?

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