Sample Grid – Inspec QA-QC Quality Intelligence Features Update.

Inspec Quality Intelligence

New Feature: Sample Grid – Quality Intelligence.

Coolearth Software is happy to announce the newest release of our flagship quality intelligence software solution, Inspec QA-QC. We invest heavily developing timely new releases of all our solutions in response to customer needs and market direction. Inspec Quality Intelligence Software is not any different.

What’s in this release?

First and foremost Coolearth has added a new Inspec control called the Sample Grid. Our existing Sample control data collects a series of numeric values as needed. Our ALL NEW Sample Grid control takes this another step and allows for a varied set of values to be collected as a sample. Supporting numeric or text values, free form entry or from a drop-down control, values can be rapidly entered just like the original sample control with options for mandatory values and default values.

New release screen shot

Below is a screen shot of this powerful new enhancement.

Inspec QA-QC Quality Intelligence Sample Grid Example


Quality Intelligence, Inspec QA-QC

  • Knock out your keypunching! Smart, intuitive, interactive software replaces repetitive chores. With Inspec QA-QC, your quality data collection is automated!
  • Enjoy safe, versatile data storage on an industry-standard SQL database for all your quality data: process controls, intake and outgo status measurements, machine conditions, maintenance procedures, food quality tests, environmental conditions, bacterial sweeps… everything.
  • Fix your filing problems forever. Now you can have the best HACCP plan in the business, without a single file cabinet!
  • Turn quality control into process automation! Now, in real time, you can know the instant a trend is tipping south … before the specter of product failure can endanger the health of consumers, your relationship with customers, or your bottom line.
  • Feedback alerts your operators to situations that require action.

Contact us for even more information about this new enhancement!

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